Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2012

My {Soon to be} White Picket Fence Garden

This spring we realized a longtime dream of having a white picket fence garden. We planned and saved for what seemed like forever. I was so excited when the fence company showed up and started work. 
The progress was quick and my excitement was growing.
They left as quickly as they came and then it was our turn. This is where we stepped in. My son Jared drew up some plans and we made a trip to the lumber yard. After emptying our pockets of some more cash, we  headed home to build the raised beds.
We had a little help from our favorite Amish guy. Everything came together nicely.
A little (okay a lot) of dirt and and some work on the walkways and we're ready to plant.

Peek-A-Boo...Fred sees you!

 There's still a lot to do. We need to wait until spring to paint it white (although I have to admit I'm loving the natural color) and then we'll landscape around the outside of the fence...lots of galvanized buckets of herbs, raspberry bushes, some hydrangea, and a few other surprises.

I'm still pinching myself...I cannot believe I get to garden in this lovely little piece of paradise!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

For The Love of Anything Galvanized

It's true. People are attracted to different things. Different personalities, different types of food, different hobbies, different decorating styles...the list can go on and on.

One thing I've been attracted to for a very long time would be galvanized items. It doesn't matter if it's a watering can, a chicken feeder or a cute little cake pedestal. I LOVE anything and everything galvanized. It's the first thing I'm drawn to at a yard sale or flea market.

Here's a little galvanized eye candy to make you drool...

Source unknown

A galvanized watering can with chippy paint ='s love

This was a steal of a deal for 2 bucks at a barn sale

I'd love to have these beside my bed

I just bought a tub like this the other week for a couple of bucks. I think we'll use it for our christmas tree.
Old wash tubs make excellent planters...
...they are also great to fill with ice and serve bottled or canned beverages.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Howard The Duck

Last month I took the train to come home from Massachusetts. During my trip, I received a text message from George. It was a picture of the cutest wooden duck I've ever seen. I'm not usually a fan of wooden ducks, but I do love anything chippy and old. Isn't he adoraable!?! I love the way he's tucked in his first.

His colors are perfect. I use these colors.
I got really excited. Knowing my sweet and loving husband, I just knew that Howard had found his way into my life. Why else would George text me his picture...right!?! Wrong!! And so began a little controversy...a little he said, she said bit.

I immediately texted him back asking who he belonged to...feeling pretty confident that he already belonged to me, I might add. To my text I also added, "I'd give him a good home". He then replied "Ed" (an inspector on their jobsite). Let me just say that before I had a chance to react to my disappointment, he texted me in a seperate message "Just got him for 35 dollars". I thought what any other sensible person would think, that he got him from Ed for 35 dollars. Right!?! Otherwise, he would have said that Ed got him for 35 dollars all in one text message. Exactly! So I was sure Howard was mine. So sure that I texted back "Ahh...I love him already...the duck that is".

I could hardly wait till the weekend when Howard would make the journey (in his seatbelt, I hoped) from Massachusetts to Home Sweet Home. Friday night came. The guys got in late. I didn't immediately think of Howard. Actually, I didn't think of him till the next morning. I don't remember exactly what time it was, but I finally asked where Howard was. The reply back from my sweet and loving husband shocked me. He simply stated (with a weird "what are you talking about" look in his eye) that he was with Ed in Massachusetts. What!?! Turns out that George was just showing me a picture of a duck named Howard that Ed had bought. Huh!?! That is not the way the conversation went down! I was is despair. I was already attached to Howard. He was perfect in every way.

Long story short(ish), George made a phone call to Ed. Ed made a demand. We met the demand and Howard came to his forever home the following weekend.

I am happy...and I LOVE my husband...and Howard!!!