no fancy or clever words...we just want to say...WE ARE ADOPTING AGAIN!!!!
we knew pretty early on that we wanted to add one more child to our family. having raised a sibling set already it just makes sense to do it again. the close bond that jared and brant share is something we want for mallory too. she gets along great with her brothers but they are honestly old enough to be her father. she needs someone closer in age. someone to share all the worlds ups and downs.
there was never any doubt that we would go back to India. we have fallen in love with the country and it's people and feel strongly that our girls should share the same heritage.
we spend the summer updating our home study and in september we registered with CARA (via our agency) to adopt a girl a little older than mallory. we are currently waiting for approval and expect it any day now.
truthfully i thought the waiting would be so much easier the second time around. we would be busy with mallory, we've been through it before...but it is not one bit all.
last time we fell in love with mallory anitha before we even knew who she was. this time around we are completely in love with the daughter that God has picked out for us. we just haven't met her yet.
our journey is a bit different this time. we are counting on raising all the funds (we self funded last time) and we are adopting out of birth order (don't worry, we've done our research and have talked with a professional)
we couldn't be more excited to be on this journey again or more impatient to get to her!!
stay tuned..........
the pile on the left is our application to start our new adoption. the pile on the right is what it took to bring mallory home. we have a ways to go |