I'm still here.
I've been busy.
I'm sure you have been busy too.
I'm adjusting to being back "full time" at work. (Thankfully that only lasts for 3 1/2 months!!). I've been helping (okay, maybe only mentally helping) with our tree situation. I've been baking and cooking all kinds of things for my men. I've also been doing a little dancing with the Wii. But what's really been keeping me away, is my new laptop! Yep...George and the boys got me a MacBook Pro for Christmas. I was (and still kind of am) speechless about the whole thing. They kept it a secret since October. I was clueless! I'm giddy with excitement!

Just so happens that other than my iPhone, I don't know a thing about apple products. Everything seems foreign to me. Fortunately, I AM getting better. Baby steps, they say. They also say "once you go Mac, you never go back". I'm not really sure who says those things, I just know that I've heard them before.
The things to learn. Wow, let me make a little list...
- Safari (thankfully I'm pretty familiar with it since that's how I access the internet on my phone.
- iPhoto
- The Mac app store
- Office Mac
- Adjusting to typing on a laptop keyboard
- Using a track pad
- Moving everything over from my old desktop
...the list goes on and on.
So, I bought a manual

I think I'm going to love the newfound freedom of a laptop! I can use it anywhere...in bed, on the couch, in my hammock, on the train, in Massachusetts or anywhere else I may travel. No more being chained to a computer desk, no more wires everywhere, no more borrowing George's laptop. Yep, I'm thrilled!
For you Mac users, I'd love a few tips or hints that you may have up your sleeve.