Thursday, January 20, 2011

Switching to the Mac


I'm still here.

I've been busy.

I'm sure you have been busy too.

I'm adjusting to being back "full time" at work. (Thankfully that only lasts for 3 1/2 months!!). I've been helping (okay, maybe only mentally helping) with our tree situation. I've been baking and cooking all kinds of things for my men. I've also been doing a little dancing with the Wii. But what's really been keeping me away, is my new laptop! Yep...George and the boys got me a MacBook Pro for Christmas. I was (and still kind of am) speechless about the whole thing. They kept it a secret since October. I was clueless! I'm giddy with excitement!

Just so happens that other than my iPhone, I don't know a thing about apple products. Everything seems foreign to me. Fortunately, I AM getting better. Baby steps, they say. They also say "once you go Mac, you never go back". I'm not really sure who says those things, I just know that I've heard them before.

The things to learn. Wow, let me make a little list...
  • Safari (thankfully I'm pretty familiar with it since that's how I access the internet on my phone.
  • iPhoto
  • The Mac app store
  • Office Mac
  • Adjusting to typing on a laptop keyboard
  • Using a track pad
  • Moving everything over from my old desktop
...the list goes on and on.

So, I bought a manual

I also bought this adorable bag
I think I'm going to love the newfound freedom of a laptop! I can use it bed, on the couch, in my hammock, on the train, in Massachusetts or anywhere else I may travel. No more being chained to a computer desk, no more wires everywhere, no more borrowing George's laptop. Yep, I'm thrilled!

For you Mac users, I'd love a few tips or hints that you may have up your sleeve.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Dream Garden

What do Mayhem and Chaos have in common with gardening? A lot. Part of the reason we decided to take down so many trees, was so I could have my dream garden. It may not be ready for this spring, but it's never to early to plan.
I'm definitely going with raised beds. I adore Susan Branch's garden on Martha's Vineyard. I could spend all day playing in the dirt!
And let's not forget Mr. McGregor's garden in The Tale of Peter Rabbit...or should I say Peter Rabbit in Mr. McGregor's garden?

Until it becomes a reality, I'm dreaming of raised beds, white picket fences, veggies and herbs, muck boots, dirty fingernails, shovels and hoes, compost, strawberries, manure, sun on my shoulders, seed catalogs, flowers, and weeds. is good!