This week is busy. Vacation bible school runs all week. Between VBS and everything else on my to do list, the weekend is creeping up fast. My husband and one son will be coming home from Massachusetts Thursday evening so our weekend will be starting early. I thought I better get a jump start on everything I hope to prep beforehand.
Here's my to do list:
- vacuum house and clean bathrooms (my minimum cleaning requirement)
- make pasta salad (isn't is always better after a few days!?!)
- get a boat launch permit (for the adorable rowboat my sons bought me for mothers day)
- shop for weekend grocery supplies
- decide on making mini patriotic pies or a flag slab pie
- clean all the outdoor chairs and picnic table
- put bunting on wagon and mini flags in window boxes
- find bunting for above to do (if George put it away, it could be anywhere)